
Tax Attorney Joshua Sells to Host Online IRS Offer in Compromise Tax Relief Workshop

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement
Tax Attorney Joshua Sells Explains The IRS Offer in Compromise Tax Settlement Program The IRS has a program in place that allows certain taxpayers the ability to settle their back tax and get a “fresh start” as many know the program as. It is entirely possible to literally settle your outstanding back tax for a […]
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IRS Has 2 Years to Accept/Reject Tax Settlements

  • IRS Back Taxes, IRS Tax Attorney, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Relief, Offer in Compromise, Ohio Tax Attorney, Tax Settlement
The Two Year Rule – The IRS Accepts or Rejects Your Offer in Compromise or it is Automatically Accepted Did you know that the IRS must make a decision on your tax settlement in two years? If they don’t, it is automatically accepted (I.R.C. 7122)! I almost had a case as a Cincinnati tax attorney […]
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